Cemex HRM is a Microsoft cloud backed digitized workforce collaboration tool that has been helping SMEs streamline their HR operations. Cemex comprises the entire HRM suite which can easily adapt to new markets.
Centinel Asset Management Software is a centralized web application that tracks and maintains company stocks and assets for audit verification purposes. Integrates with RFID or Barcode readers.
Centinel Supply Chain Traceability is an immutable way of tracking a product through a supply chain process using blockchain-based technology.
Cafeteria Management Software, CenCafe, is a complete cafeteria management software used at work premises, from issuing meal tokens to capturing pre-order meal requirements.
CenAFIS is a complete Automated Fingerprint Identification System that can be integrated with passport/ national ID/ voting registration requirements. Using a fingerprint-matching algorithm, CenAFIS software delivers the final authentication and verification results.
CenPass Software integrates biometric authentication devices, into multiple applications which require biometric-based authentication.
CenVote Software integrates biometric devices, which can be used to cast a vote or used for approval purposes.